

  1. Extremely important; essential; critical.


  • “For” (crucial for something)
  • “To” (crucial to something)


  • Crucial role/part/aspect/factor, crucial moment/decision/step, crucial to success/survival.

Example Sentences:

  1. Her leadership was crucial to the success of the project.
  2. The new evidence played a crucial role in the investigation.
  3. Effective communication is crucial for building strong relationships.
  4. The first few months of a startup are crucial for establishing a customer base.
  5. They made a crucial decision to expand into international markets.
  6. The ceasefire agreement is crucial to ending the conflict.
  7. The safety measures are crucial for preventing accidents in the workplace.
  8. Understanding cultural differences is crucial when doing business abroad.
  9. Proper training is crucial to ensuring employee productivity.
  10. The team’s cohesion was crucial to winning the championship.
  11. Time management skills are crucial for balancing work and personal life.
  12. Clear communication is crucial for avoiding misunderstandings.
  13. The vaccine distribution is crucial to controlling the spread of the virus.
  14. The negotiation process is crucial for reaching a mutually beneficial agreement.
  15. Proper nutrition is crucial for maintaining good health.
  16. The CEO’s vision was crucial in guiding the company through tough times.
  17. The timely response of emergency services was crucial to saving lives.
  18. Flexibility is crucial when adapting to changes in the market.
  19. The partnership with local communities is crucial for sustainable development.
  20. The accuracy of the data is crucial for making informed decisions.
  21. Funding is crucial for expanding access to education.
  22. Critical thinking skills are crucial for solving complex problems.
  23. The support of family and friends is crucial during challenging times.
  24. Transparency is crucial for building trust with stakeholders.
  25. Early detection is crucial for successful treatment of diseases.
  26. Innovation is crucial for staying ahead in a competitive industry.
  27. The safety protocols are crucial to ensuring a safe work environment.
  28. Proper planning is crucial for the success of any project.
  29. The preservation of natural habitats is crucial for biodiversity.
  30. Good governance is crucial for maintaining social stability.
  31. The strategic partnership was crucial to achieving their goals.
  32. Accountability is crucial for effective management of resources.
  33. The vote of confidence from shareholders is crucial for the company’s future.
  34. The initial investment is crucial for launching a new business.
  35. The collaboration between departments is crucial for operational efficiency.
  36. Adaptability is crucial when facing unexpected challenges.
  37. The role of mentors is crucial for career development.
  38. The introduction of new technology is crucial for improving productivity.
  39. Consistency is crucial for building a strong brand reputation.
  40. The quality of customer service is crucial for retaining loyal customers.
  41. Education plays a crucial role in reducing poverty.
  42. The decision-making process is crucial to organizational success.
  43. Cultural awareness is crucial when working in diverse teams.
  44. Trust is crucial for fostering a positive work environment.
  45. The accuracy of financial forecasts is crucial for budget planning.
  46. The feedback from customers is crucial for product improvement.
  47. The completion of the project on time is crucial for meeting client expectations.
  48. The support of volunteers is crucial for running nonprofit organizations.
  49. Collaboration among departments is crucial for achieving company goals.
  50. The development of leadership skills is crucial for career advancement.


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